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笔趣阁 > 【HP】高H同人合集【哈利波特】 > 情绪管理(8)


that could not be penetrated by hand, vanished, parted, scooped up, transfigured, or otherwise made to change its nature in any way. It could only be drained away by drinking, and even though it isn’t immediately fatal, it induces a burning, insatiable thirst in the drinker, severe pain and weakness, hallucinations that force one to relive their worst fears, and a sense of intense despair and hopelessness, thus its name.”(翡翠药,也称为绝望剂,是一种发光的绿,无法用手渗透、无法消失、舀起、变形……或以任何方式改变其质。受害者只能通过饮用来使其消失。尽它不会立即致命,翡翠药会让饮者产生无法满足的、极度的疼痛和虚弱、迫使饮者通过幻觉重温他们最深的恐惧,并导致最烈的绝望,它因此而得名。)


        “The book doesn’t mention what its potential uses are, sir, but I imagine it is a powerful guard against intruders. By causing severe physical and mental torment, it probably acts well as a deterrent against anyone attempting to steal a treasure, its effects incapacitating or severely weaking any intruder.”(书中并没有提及药的用途,先生,但我想,它可以有效防范侵者。通过造成严重的神折磨,它能对任何试图盗取某宝的人起到很好的威慑作用,其效果能使一个人被严重削弱。)



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